113th Power of Paint Party… Red and Pink

Thanks for Sharing!

Welcome Paint Lovers & Happy Valentine’s Day! 

In case you missed my announcement a few weeks ago… I started a new site as a spin-off of this party, Power of Paint.  I’d love for you to submit your fav paint projects. 

Power of Paint

In honor of V-Day I thought I’d share some red and pink painted beauties…


I hope you have a wonderful V-day!  When this party goes live I will have been at a basketball practice, watched my daughter’s basketball game and we’ll be off to my son’s basketball game.  Perfect family night… time together & sports!

So what have you been painting?

Power of Paint Party Rules:

#1… This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects.  I HATE deleting!

#2… Please put my nifty POPP button (you can find it up in my menu bar’s BUTTONS) in your blog post or a link back to this party somewhere on your blog… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too.

#3… Share the Love… visit the other paint pals.


  1. Pingback: Antelopes
  2. Thank you for hosting, Maryann! It’s my first time here, but I’m an enthusiastic painter and I’m glad to join the party with my happy entry way 🙂

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