122nd Power of Paint Party… some Oils

Thanks for Sharing!

Welcome Paint Lovers to this week’s Power of Paint Party… a party for all of us who adore paint!

Did you know that I use to oil paint… actually quite a bit?  When I was in junior high I took an oil painting class and fell in love with it.  I guess it was my 1st real painting experience.  Over the following 10 years I painted a few paintings.  While digging around this past weekend I came across a few and thought I’d share them with you.

oil paintings 1

oil paintings 2

oil paintings 3

Looking at these again is making me want to pull out my oils again.

So what have you been painting?

Power of Paint Party Rules:

#1… This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects.

#2… I’d love if you put my nifty POPP button (you can find it up in my menu bar’s BUTTONS) in your blog post or a link back to this party somewhere on your blog… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too. (not a requirement but always appreciated)

#3… Share the Love… visit the other paint pals.


  1. These are beautiful. Definitely pick up the brush again! : ) I’ve always wanted to paint, even bought the Donna Dewberry video, but just don’t have the talent. Thanks for hosting another great party. Hope you get a chance to visit Frugal Treasures Tuesday going on through Sunday. : )

  2. Wow-what talent I always wished I was able to paint, but I can not even draw a stick figure!! =0}
    I also wish I had something to show off but I don’t think I do…this week! See ya next week!

    Thank you & many Blessings


  3. hey there! not sure if it is just me, but the link doesn’t seem to be showing up. also, love your paintings! how fun! i love the second one the best!

  4. Pingback: Chair Makeover

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