129th Power of Paint Party… USA
Welcome Paint Lovers to this week’s edition of the Power of Paint Party… a party for all of us who adore paint to share your latest and greatest paint projects and to be inspired!
I have a fabulous giveaway going on this week… A Novica $75 gift certificate! You can click HERE to enter.
This week I’m working on my summer mantel. It’s slowly coming together. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of those mantel people who takes a week to get it just so. Every time I walk by I move something, add something, remove something… I just can’t keep my hands off.
In planning what I wanted for my summer mantel this year, I knew I wanted to include some red, white and blue… it is the summer Olympics this year after all. So what better then a burlap sign cheering on Team USA.
To make this sign I cut out “USA” in the freezer paper.
Then I ironed the freezer paper, with the shiny side down, onto a piece of burlap.
I put my iron on a cotton setting with no steam. Make sure when you are attaching freezer paper to fabric, especially something detailed like this, that you press well around the cut-out areas. You don’t want the paint to seep under.
Then with acrylic craft paint and a stencil brush I pounced the paint on.
I let it dry about 20 minutes before peeling off the freezer paper to reveal my patriotic sign.
Do you guys love watching the summer Olympics in your house too?
Go Team USA!!!
So what have you been painting?
Power of Paint Party Rules:
#1… This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects.
#2… I’d love if you put my nifty POPP button (you can find it up in my menu bar’s BUTTONS) in your blog post or a link back to this party somewhere on your blog… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too. (not a requirement but always appreciated)
#3… Share the Love… visit the other paint pals.
**** Don’t forget… submit your paint project to my other blog, Power of Paint, to have it featured there!!!
Thanks for hosting such a great party! I found you from Sharon at Elizabeth & Co.
Thank you so much for hosting! I accidentally linked up the wrong link, number 29, isn’t a paint project. 🙁
thanks maryann for the power of paint party. I actually linked up a great suggestion on selecting paint colors for tweens and teens. Hope it helps! [email protected]
Can’t wait to check it out Laura!