159th Power of Paint Party…. Going Gray Buffet
Welcome Paint Lovers to this week’s Power of Paint Party… the party about paint and only paint!!! I hope you guys have had some time to get some painting in after the craziness of the holidays has past. I’ve had this project on my list for a few months now. I found this buffet for free (curbside after a garage sale) a few years ago and painted it black back then. Here’s what it looked like…
I loved it as Black Beauty, but she was ready for a makeover.
I love her curves!
We use to have the TV on her in the family room, but I’m currently rearranging the room… so who knows what’s going on this piece or if it will even stay here. Do you rearrange furniture all the time too? So what have you been painting? Power of Paint Party Rules: #1… This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects. #2… If you want to be considered for the Spotlight, you need to put my nifty POPP button (you can find it up in my menu bar’s BUTTONS) in your blog post… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too. #3… Share the Love… visit the other paint pals. Don’t forget… you can submit your paint project over at Power of Paint (my other blog) to have it featured.
That buffet is T.D.F!!! LOVE it!
Meredith & Gwyneth
Thanks ladies ~ gotta feed my gray obsession!
Thank you for hosting this party – I love that it has just painted projects – my passion…..
My too Cathy! 🙂
Thank you for hosting! Wishing you a beautiful and productive year!! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
You too Kathryn!
Thank you for hosting. I just found your blogs through A Vintage Green and I love that you have a party just for painted projects. I am now following you and I look forward some great inspiration (as I’m really new to this blogging stuff).
Hi Julie ~ So glad you found me & the PoPP! Welcome 🙂