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DIY Floral Hanging Basket

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This DIY Floral Hanging Basket is super easy to make and beautiful addition to your front door. You might be able to find some of the items needed for this project at your local thrift store. It is a lovely change from a traditional wreath and perfect for Spring through early Fall.

DIY Floral Hanging Basket
Hanging basket supplies

Materials You Will Need For This Project

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  • Hanging flower basket-I found mine at Michaels. It actually isn’t a “real” hanging basket, but it was thin enough that it does the trick. A thrift store would be a great place to look too.
set up inside basket

Arranging the flowers in the basket

I started by placing a liner in the bottom of the basket. It isn’t a must-do, but it helped to keep the foam in place. Then place the floral foam in the center of the basket to support my flowers. I had this little cylinder left over from another project so I decided to make it work. I sort of made a little nest for it out of grocery bags, so don’t go hog wild on the styrofoam. Just buy something inexpensive and make it work.

Adding floral to foam in basket

I trimmed all the flowers and placed them in the styrofoam. That way when my 5-year-old decides to slam the door, we don’t have hydrangeas flying to and fro. You obviously could use whatever type of flowers you love. Using all greenery would be beautiful. Whatever kinds of plants you love! Even faux herbs would be beautiful.

Floral Basket Hanging on Door

Hanging Your Basket

I strung a piece of burlap ribbon through the handles of the basket and tied a knot to create a loop for hanging. Then I hung the burlap over a wreath hanger.

Then I used a chalk marker and wrote the word “hydrangea” on the label. My instinct was to write “welcome”, but I have a huge welcome sign next to the door, so it seemed like overkill.

 I’m SO happy with the way this project turned out, and I’m even happier that it only took about 10 minutes to complete! The hanging basket contrasts against our door perfectly, and it’s different than the typical wreath. Who knows. I might keep this around all year. It is Arizona after all. We only have one season…SUMMER!

Thank you Kristie from the House on Stanford for sharing this great project with us!

You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest


  1. Oh, man, I am in LOVE with this! Like, I want to go to Michael’s right now and get the stuff to make this! Thanks for sharing your awesome idea!

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