
Fall Apple Leaf Wreath

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This post is sponsored by Bindle & Brass Trading Company, but all opinions are my own. I’ve got a fun fall craft project tutorial to share with you today, a Fall Apple Leaf Wreath. A straw wreath base with layers of fall leaves, wheat, and red and green apples.

Fall Apple Leaf Wreath

I just loved how this wreath turned out! I love the layers and the “bountiful” feel it has. So let me show you how to make your own.

PLUS I’ve got 2 $150 Home Depot giveaways going on. Check out my Instagram & Facebook pages and look for this wreath to enter!

Wreath Supplies:

Making your Fall Apple Leaf Wreath

I started with a straw wreath form for the base. I wanted something natural that would go with all the fall colors, but not too dark in color. This was perfect.

Straw wreath form

For the bottom layer, I started with the pencil cattails and wheat. I wanted them to fan out on the upper left side of the wreath.

Adding cattails and wheat to the fall wreath.

One I had the cattail and wheat in place, I used floral wire to hold them in place to the wreath.

Trimming the base of the wheat and cattails.

Then with the wire cutters, I trimmed the base of the cattails and wheat so they weren’t hanging over the wreath.

Adding oak leaves to wreath.

Next, it was time to start layering the fall oak leaves. I started at the top with a couple small bunches and then attached them to the wreath with floral wire.

Adding more leaves to the fall wreath.

Then I worked my way down the left side of the wreath, attaching the clusters with wire. Add until you get the desired look.

Adding the fall wire ribbon to the wreath.

Tie the fall wire ribbon to the end of the bottom left area, where ever you like the look. I tied a double bow ribbon. With a long ribbon tie one bow, then tie a second bow. Use the wire in the ribbon and fluff the bow to get the desired look you want.

Adding the apples to the wreath.

The final step is adding the apples. I trimmed down the stems to about 4-5 inches long. Then you press them into the places you want. I pushed the ends, at an angle, into the wreath to secure them. If they feel loose, secure them with floral wire.

Fall Apple Leaf Wreath Tutorial

Then all that’s left is to hang that beautiful wreath you created!

Fall Apple Leaf Wreath Craft

Apples on Fall Leaf Wreath

Apple Leaf Wreath


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