How to Print on Burlap Video
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Happy Friday Friends! Ready to kick off the weekend? Today I’ve got a giveaway of…
I’ve been having fun creating more burlap signs… Welcome Burlap Sign This sign is a…
I’ve got 2 more cute Thanksgiving burlap signs to show you guys and some exciting…
Do you iron the piece after to set the ink? is it washable?
Designing the sign.
What do you use and How do you get the words so close together. I’ve made some signs in the past using word but can’t figure out how to get words to go different angles and to get them really close together. Hope to hear back from you thank you.
Hi Nicole, I normally use Phototshop to create mine, but there are free online services like PicMonkey that you could use.
Do you remove the freezer paper when you are done printing? Thankyou! Wonderful video!
Yes, I pull it off afterwards.
The video was very helpful, but I am not very good with setting up things on my printer or computer ! I have A Lexmark (??), but where do I go to get my sayings or words I want to print ? I want to print sayings for my Daughters wedding ? Please cab u help me ?
Thank you
Sandy you have to create it either in a word processing program (like Word) or a photo editing service like PIcMonkey (which is free)
I was wanting to know where you bought that roll of burlap? also loved the video! very helpfully
Hi! Loved your video tutorial. You mentioned that you sell these signs. How much is your standard 8.5×11? What about legal size?
I have a little girl on the way – due in January, and I am trying to think of some cute nursery decor ideas, but don’t feel like I am up to some of the Pinterest challenges.
Would love to know how much a personalized burlap sign costs.
Thank you!
You can find my burlap prices in my Burlap Beauties link in the header. Most custom prints start at $30.
Do you remove the freezer paper after its done printing? can you print in different colors? You don’t say in the video. I also just loved that you did a video
PLEASE email me the answer also & thank you
yes, I remove the paper. I’ve never tried with color – I just use a cheap printer that only has black ink, but I don’t know why you couldn’t. The only issue would be if it’s dark enough to be seen.
Great video!
What kind of cutting machine is that? where can I purchase one?
Where do you purchase the big roll of burlap? I can only find bolts of burlap at my local craft stores..
HI! thanks so much for your tutorial, I followed it easily and it worked great. I’m encountering a different problem and wondered if you had any suggestions.
I am trying to print on the burlap for someone’s wedding invitations. The burlap swatch is to be about 4.75×6.75 (layered later onto a 5×7 cardstock). the printing processes goes just fine, but the wording is difficult to read – seems to get lost in the weave of the burlap. I don’t have large or open weave burlap – just your basic, run of the mill, by the yard, craft store stuff. I’ve tried a thicker font and bolded it, but but no improvement. I’m wondering if this is just because of my project and font needs in relation to the burlap weave.
Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
Yes – it’s burlap and it’s wide weave. Trying to find a tight weave burlap is hard. I typically don’t do anything small unless there’s only a few words.
Love the tutorial! Maybe a silly question but do you leave the freezer paper on the burlap once you’ve printed on it or do you peel it off?
Thanks so much!
Just wondering if you can print on the burlap in color, I only see black and white in your tutorial? Thanks
Great tutorial! Where can I buy a role of burlap like you have?
I love your tips – they’re easy to follow and the video is so very helpful! I’m craft challenged so this makes it much better to understand! Thanks again!
can you tell us how to make the words…i cant figure out how to put the words going in each direction…thank you
Hi Dana ~ For the subway style you need to either create it in Photoshop or I think PicMonkey (free) would work or I used where you can plug in the words and it creates it for you.
Hi Maryann! That is a great video and tutorial! I’m excited to try this! Do you have to mirror image before printing? Thanks for sharing your beautiful work! Blessings from Bama!
Nope – no mirror printing needed since it’s not a transfer, it’s printing directly on the burlap.
Love this! But tried it and failed. I had everything set up and looking great, then when it came time to print, it wouldn’t feed the burlap through.
Any suggestions? I tried different settings but no luck. I wanted to do this for a wedding gift next week.
Success! I trimmed the burlap back away from the edges to expose the paper about 1/4″ and viola! Stubborn printer.
Oh good! I’m so glad you figured a way to make it work with your printer Sharon!
Thank you for sharing your tutorial, I can’t seem to find freezer paper so I’m wondering if was paper will work?
WAX paper sorry!! Silly autocorrect!!!
Elizabeth I really don’t know for sure, but I would doubt it. Freezer paper is much thicker than wax paper. I’d be afraid the wax paper would melt onto the burlap. You can purchase freezer paper online if you can’t find it in a local store.
Ok great! I thought it wouldn’t work. I will get it online!!! Thanks a million!!!
just wanted to add… freezer paper is used because the plastic coating (shiny side) melts to burlap/fabric when ironed. It also stabilizes the burlap and adheres it to the paper so it will go thru the printer easier.
Maryann, these are great tips. Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial and linking it up to Thrifty Thursday.
What a great video! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been trying to think of an inexpensive, yet thoughtful, gift for my husband for our second wedding anniversary. Problem solved!
Thank you for sharing your video and your work! I can’t wait to try it! Found you through Thrifty Thursday at LWSL… am so glad I did!
Great video, Maryann!
Oh thank you Maryann! What a great gift to share your tutorial!
Maryann, I love using freezer paper for crafts, as in making stencils. I have never used it in the printer to make anything, but I think this idea is great. You did a great job in making the tutorial, so I think it will work great for any number of projects. Thanks for always sharing with us such great ideas and instructions!!!
What a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial.
Great tutorial! Thank you! Can you please tell me where I can get a big roll of burlap like the one you use?
Hi Stephanie ~ I received that roll of burlap from
THanks for all the fabulous tips!!
Thanks so much for your video. I’ve always loved your printed burlap projects and now I know exactly how to make my own! I’m prepping for a booth at a local festival for October 5 and I’ll be that some framed burlap prints for fall would really sell.
Love your tutorial on burlap printing! One question- What quality of print, best, better or quick print? I know best uses more ink – takes longer and comes out darker , maybe more refined. Quick is more fast print, gray-er. The slowness of your printer made me think it was better or best print choice.
thanks if you know-
Great question Edna ~ It depends on the font I use. In the video I was using the regular printing setting. Which I guess would be the “better” setting. When I use a thick font though I find it looks much better on the “best” printer setting.
Great tips!
Thanks Anne!