My GIANT clock…

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A few of you commented or asked questions about my giant clock that was in the reflection of my “before” gaudy mirror pic.

Did you notice it?

This was a bargain of a deal.  Guess where I bought it?


I bought it almost 2 years ago, but I’ve seen them there recently.  It was around $18 and I used a 40% off coupon ~ making it a great deal.  The numbers are just vinyl, but it comes with the whole clock kit.  Eventually I’d love to exchange the vinyl numbers for metal house numbers ~ once I find some on clearance, of course!

While I’m showing you the giant clock I’ll show you around the mantle.. here’s some more pics…

In case you want to look for the giant clock at Michael’s… the kit was located by the wood work items.  It was hanging on a hook in a box that is at least 2 feet long with a picture of the clock on it.

My Pick Your Prize Contest is still going on through next Tuesday.  Click here for all the exciting details!


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  2. I LOVE this too…needed something for a large wall in our kitchen and this will fit the bill. However, the one Michael's store near me didn't have the kit…will keep looking though as I'm determined to find one!

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