
at the BEACH…

Thanks for Sharing!

(sorry if you read this one yesterday ~ Blogger had some issues and it’s disappeared completely from my blog ~ STRANGE)

Ok… I’m in countdown mode!

With just weeks left till school is out for the kiddos, I am longing to sink my toes into the warm sand.

I got this cool piece of wood from my parents who got it from a neighbor (you know the one in the neighborhood who has all the tools).  It’s made from plywood… I know, Super COOL!

It reminds me of driftwood.

I used some pretty blue acrylic paint and hand-painted the signage.

Where I wish I was!

Now where to put it… maybe our beach alcove or maybe it will find a home on our summer mantle.

Are you counting down too?

countdown to summe

The party will be starting in just a few weeks!

Technorati Tags: beach,driftwood,sign,paint,acrylic


  1. Love the sign! I love the color of the paint you used, it looks like that bright blue sidewalk chalk! I'd love a beach trip. Our kids have school for another 6 weeks. 🙁

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