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Christmas Goodies & Partylite Winner

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Happy Monday!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

I’m done with my Christmas shopping with just a few more presents to wrap… so my brain is on baking and Christmas week festivities.

Here are some goodies I hope to make this week with the kiddos…

Christmas tree Peppermint bark

We always make peppermint bark, but these Christmas tree shaped ones are adorable… goodies for the neighbors.

Another peppermint goodie… these dipped pretzels will be super easy for the kiddos to make.

These Frosty the Smore-mans are A-Dora-Able!  I think all the neighbor kiddos would love one!

I want to have a hot cocoa bar on Christmas Eve!

We’re bringing cinnamon rolls to Christmas brunch at my in-laws.  I LOVE this wreath shape.  I will be using Pioneer Woman’s cinnamon rolls recipe.  If you haven’t tried it yet, you’re missing out!

These snowman are Nutter Butters dipped in white chocolate and decorated.  Thinking of making these for the kiddos for Christmas day dessert.  (Not too many of the kiddos are pie kids)

Do you love baking Christmas week?  What’s on your baking list?


And we can’t forget… the winner of the PartyLite giveaway is…

Gail Gray who said:

I like Partylite products SO much. Just placed an order last night, in fact. I’d enjoy having a gift certificate to help me feed my addiction. :)

Thanks for the opportunity!

Congrats Gail!

Hope  you have a fabulous Christmas week!

One Comment

  1. We have been getting goodies everyday at our door, all so yummy! We made the cowboy cookies this year and might start making batches of coffee cake for friends. WIshing you a wonderful Christmas!
    PS Enjoy the weather

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