For the Love of… Bunk Beds and Loft Beds
My oldest daughter is turning 10 this summer and what does she want… a bedroom makeover. She wants to go with teal blues instead of pinks, she wants a more grown up quilt and she wants a new bed.
She really wants a loft bed or a bunk bed… so here are some cool ones we’ve found.
This bunk bed design is amazing!
This one is my daughter’s favorite.
Beautiful detail.
The colors she’s wanting.
Another fun bunk bed design.
Love the starfish detail.
So are you lovin’ bunk beds and / or loft beds? Do you kiddos have one?
Wow! really nice design. I am impressed. I like it. It’s can use multitasking purpose. Thanks for sharing creative ideas.
Hi! Does anyone know anything about the Beach Shack bunk bed? Was that custom made or can that specific bed be purchased from a specific store (and if so, which store)? Thank you!
I love these built in bunk beds! Especially the cottage style – wouldn’t the kids be over the moon!
Oh, my, land!
I love the first pic with the blue lofts. And, I LOVE the white room with the antler chandelier.
We have four sons and are in the process of adopting another from Ethiopia. It’s been a discussion about designing a home with a bunk room for the boys. Great fodder for ideas!
I love all the beds. I can’t get over all the high ceilings. Our 1940 house is blessed with 8 ft ceilings, so we couldn’t loft anything too high.
I do agree with another poster on changing the sheets, especially on the beds placed in nooks. I had a bed with three walls growing up and linen day was no fun!
I totally agree. She already puts her fresh sheets on her bed… so she’ll just get to continue. 🙂
Love that BEACH SHACK! Really cute! And those colors are great! We used to have triple bunk beds–lol. bunk beds and a trundle. Now we have a Bed and the trundle, but my 5 year old is on the trundle and I created an L-Shape. This opened up the space so they can actually play on the ground. Before it was all beds. Here is the link if you would like to take a peek.
Thanks for this awesome post- have a great day!
–Oh, I am a new linky follow! 🙂
They all are what the kids say these days EPIC !!!
Our kids are older and boys but I bet they would of loved to have something like this when they were younger in maybe a theme of Boats, cars, etc ya know guy stuff lol ! Have a good day !
Make her promise to help change the sheets on the upper bed. Unless you are a gymnast it is not fun/easy.
I wish I could figure out a way to build those into my walls. I love the built in beds. So cool!