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Hanging Herb Mason Jars Garden

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Today I’m sharing a fun kitchen update, my Hanging Herb Mason Jars. I love fresh herbs! They just make everything taste, well… fresher. I love some fresh chives on top of my baked potato… or adding fresh basil to my pasta sauces or on the top of my homemade pizza. So when I came across a steal of a deal on some fresh herbs I scooped them up… and created the perfect place for them without taking up any counter space.

Hanging Fresh Herbs in a Vintage Blue Mason Jars

Mason Jar Herb Gardens

I love having an indoor herb garden in my kitchen. This is such a fun craft project and makes wonderful gifts too. Here’s how to make your own. (for your convenience this post contains affiliate links, find more info here)

Hanging Herb Mason Jar Supplies:

How to make Mason Jar Herb Garden

I added some wire to some vintage blue and green mason jars so they could hang. I found using plyers made this easy.

  1. Started by eyeballing how much wire you need to go around the neck (the lip of the jar)of the mason jar.  Then I doubled it before cutting the piece of wire. If you didn’t want to use wire, I think you could use pieces of twine.
  2. Starting at the center of the wire, wrap the wire around the neck of the mason jar.
  3. Now twist the wire around it to make it snug around the mason jar neck. (I twisted it about 3 times)
  4.  Now the remainder of the wire, you want to join the two ends together, so you are creating a loop in order to hang (you’re creating a little handle for the mason jar planters).
  5. Twist the ends together at least 5-6 times, so it’s nice and snug.
  6. Repeat until you have all your hanging mason jars completed.

DIY Herbs in Mason Jars

I recommend filling the base of your mason jar with gravel or small seashells, to create good drainage for the herbs. You could use an inch of rocks, I would recommend little rocks, like for a fish tank. Then add a little potting soil, the amount will depend on the size of your herbs and the soil surrounding the herb roots.

Then it’s just time to add your favorite herbs. I used rosemary, basil, chives, and parsley. Cilantro would be great if you love making fresh salsa.

Finish with a little more potting soil if needed around the herb roots.

I had the perfect place to hang them on either side of my kitchen sink… lots of afternoon sunlight… just perfect for my vertical garden.

DIY Herbs in Mason Jars

So I added some hooks to the outside of the kitchen cabinets and hung the herb mason jars on them. This works great if you have limited countertops or a small space.

Fresh Basil Herbs in a Hanging Mason Jar

My girls had a fun time potting the herbs in the mason jars for me. So fun to create your own mason jar garden. You could create some cute chalkboard labels for your jar and write the herb names on them.

Rosemary and Chives in a Hanging Mason Jar

They have been very easy to maintain too.  I water my small lovely herb garden about 2 times a week, sometimes 3 if it’s a really hot week.

Hanging Fresh Herbs in Mason Jars for a kitchen herb garden

I love the addition to our kitchen.  Live plants make such a difference in a space – nothing cuter than small herb jars!

Small herb garden with mason jars
Hanging Fresh Herbs in Vintage Blue and Green Mason Jars - perfect way to have an indoor herb garden in your kitchen!

Thanks for stopping by friends!  Here are a couple of other projects I’ve done using mason jars:

Mason Jar Lamp Tutorial

Mason Jar Lamp Tutorial

Hanging Mason Jar Succulents

Hanging Mason Jar Succulents


  1. You are very creative! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!
    I have seen the colored Mason jars. Where did you find them?

    1. You could try. I’m not sure how much weight a command hook can hold. You could weight it and see if it’s light enough.

  2. Thank you for the idea. I finished putting my 2 jars in my kitchen window.

    Didn’t put any plant yet.Looks nice and i ‘m sure will be usefull all year .


    1. I think you have a really classy and elegant blog! I also love simple ideas; excellently taken photos and updates. I’m going to keep up as I just bought my dream home! A vintage frame.

  3. What a brilliant idea! I love the look and functionality of your project. How big are the mason jars, Maryann?

  4. I noticed that many asked about drainage. I would put a layer of pebbles in the bottom before the soil. Or how about colored glass stones? I will do that.

    1. Yes – pebbles or seashells I’ve used with other plants in mason jars. The location I have mine in the dry out easily with the direction western light in the afternoons, so I haven’t had an issue.

  5. Pingback: 15 Gorgeous Kitchen DIY's That You'll Actually Want to Make - Momology
  6. I’ve done an inside herb garden in wood container’s but had problems with gnats. Did you have any problems with those pests? If so how did you resolve?

  7. Hi,
    Beautiful! I take the idea for hanging marmelade jars in which i will put pencils (for my daughter’room). Thank you. (Excuse my english, in fact I m french). Have a good day.

  8. Pingback: DIY Mason Jar Garden – macovora
  9. Pingback: Ideas for Growing Herbs Right in Your Kitchen – Pioneers Discovers
  10. Pingback: Peas and Crayons
      1. Hi MaryAnn,

        Love this and I really want to try it! I have a few questions. Can you tell me a bit more on how you screwed the hooks into your kitchen cabinets? I’m worried it will not work with mine.

        Did you use short screws? Anchors? Any tips will be helpful! Thank you in advance.

  11. I made small ones in half pint jars and hung two and three together on one hook.. Very cute..and I added a piece of burlap around some of the jars just to be “cute”..

  12. Can you show a pic of how you wrapped the wire and made the hook? I want to hang these to get spatulas and other lightweight cooking tools out of the cluttered drawers. Purple Ball jars will go with my purple and orange Clemson theme.

    1. Wow.. I just wrapped a piece of wire around the “screw” threads of the jars and then twisted them together to hold it tight. With the ends I twisted them into a loop and hung them on the hook.

  13. Any tips of preventing algae in the jars? I have a similar mason jar herb garden and I love the look, but find that the root structure ends up growing algae when kept in a bright location for the plants to thrive… I’ve contemplated drilling drainage holes or painting them (although I love the way they look clear!). I do have some small stones at the bottom for a bit of drainage. Is this simply from overwatering? Would some kind of charcoal or other soil additive help fight the algae?
    Thanks! Novice gardener who loves these mason jars and doesn’t want to give up!

  14. How do you keep the soil and root ball from “falling apart” when you water? How much water do you use with each watering? Does this method promote continual growth?

    1. Hi Kala ~

      They lasted about 9 months and then I replaced them. I would put a ice cube in each jar a few times a week… more during the hotter months since it’s in the western sun.

      1. Hi Maryann,
        I LOVE this idea and it looks simple enough for even an accomplished plant killer like myself:) But I do need more details. In the comments there are conflicting answers regarding how to water these adorable herb jars. Is it 1 inch water twice a week OR 1 ice cube twice a week?? So you just picked up the plants and transferred the plant, root ball and soil into the mason jar with no additional soil or plant food or anything? I so want this to work so any additional info you might provide will be extremely helpful to this novice. Thanks much!!

        1. I also need to know about the root ball and soil. I am noticing that there is not much soil in the mason jar. I am horrible with plants but would love fresh seasonings during the winter.

          Thank you for your post the mason jars look wonderful.

    1. Hi Kim! Nope… I just add maybe an inch of water to the bottom 2 times a week.

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