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Industrial Barstool Makeover

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A couple years ago I purchased some basic metal barstools for the kiddos.  There wasn’t much to them.  I changed out the fabric on the seats to make them a little more exciting and they worked for the kiddos.  Fast-forward a few years and I was desperately wanting to give them a makeover.  We had recently added planks to the wall in the barstool area, so the barstools were begging me… please make us over!

Industrial Barstool Makeover

So I gave them an industrial makeover!  Here’s what they looked like before…

living room bhg 4

Supplies to Create an Industrial Metal Look: {affiliate links provided for your convenience – see details here}

I started by taking off the seats (super easy just a few screws).  The wood under the fabric and padding wasn’t what I was hoping for… it was particle board.  So I went to my local hardware store and found some beautiful wood and used that particle board as a template to cut out the seats.

Industrial Barstool Makeover

I used one of my favorite stains, Kona, for the seats… such a beautiful deep color.

Industrial Barstool Makeover

The metal was just a black finish, so it needed more of a silver, metallic finish.  I used silver metallic paint and a glazing medium to create this gorgeous look.

Industrial Barstool Makeover

In case you’re wondering the short stool on the left is for my son and the long legs on his 6’6″ frame.  Poor guy was hitting his knees on the counter.

I love the makeover!  Thanks for stopping by…

Industrial Barstool Makeover using stain and paint! It's easier than you think!




  1. Maryann, those chairs simply look fabulous! And I think that the pure feeling that you know that all these are done by you… you should definitely be proud of yourself!

  2. That is a lovely upcycle to your bar stools to get the desired look. The industrial look is very much in right now, and I suspect it can go with any sort of decor since it is such a neutral look. I really like what you did for your tall son’s chair. I have one of those too… not a chair, but a tall son…lol.

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