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155th Power of Paint Party… Painted Christmas Gift Ideas

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Welcome Paint Lovers to this week’s Power of Paint Party… a party about paint and only paint!

With Christmas only 3 weeks away… oh my… I put together a collections of handmade, painted gifts you could make for your loved ones.

Painted Christmas Gift Ideas you can make

Let’s check them out…

Snowmen Ornaments

Cute snowmen made with a white bulb and a painted face… super cute!

Hand Painted Christmas Dish Towels, white christmas dish towels, metalic paint, jacquard luminere, snowflake towels, holiday gift idea, homemade holiday gifts

Love these hand painted dish towels!

Merry Christmas painted platter

An adorable Merry Christmas platter with hand and foot prints.

Knock-off Ballard Dog Food Tin

A great idea for the dog lovers in your life… custom dog food canister.  You could even put the dog’s name on it.

Grandparents Gift showoff those grandkids sign

What Grandma wouldn’t LOVE this Grandkids sign!

Beautifully painted serving dishes.

Chalkboard Mugs

Chalkboard painted mugs filled with coffee or cocoa.

Family Sign from a Cabinet Door

Every family needs a “Family” sign.

Chalkboard Herb Pots

So sweet… Chalkboard painted herb pots.

So what have you been painting?

Power of Paint Party Rules:
#1… This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects.
#2… If you want to be considered for the Spotlight, you need to put my nifty POPP button (you can find it up in my menu bar’s BUTTONS) in your blog post… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too.
#3… Share the Love… visit the other paint pals.

Don’t forget… you can submit your paint project over at Power of Paint (my other blog) to have it featured.


  1. Hi Maryann! Thanks so much for hosting a great weekly party. Loving the inspiration you share here. I am totally painting my dog food canister…that is COOL. Enjoy the rest of your week.

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