163rd Power of Paint Party
Welcome Paint Lovers to this week’s Power of Paint Party… a party all about paint and only paint!
What a great paint party last week. We had lots of painted furniture, home décor, Valentine’s goodies, pretty kitchens and more. If you missed them, make sure you check out all those great paint projects.
Now let’s check out this week’s Top Ten Spotlight!
#10 ~ Rain On a Tin Roof’s cute lattice hook.
#9 ~ Love the two tone kitchen makeover at The Shabby Cottage Home
#8 ~ Simply Vintageous’ cute pallet art sign.
#7 ~ Cool industrial style lamps from Smart Girl Style
#6 ~ Magazine Your Home’s cute country kitchen
#5 ~ Lots of pretty chalk paint projects at One More Time
#4 ~ Shabby Gal’s pretty white china cabinet.
#3 ~ Love this pink, black and white table from The Decorative Paintbrush.
And we have a tie this week on the top clicked paint projects!
A Diamond in the Stuff’s cute mirror wall
a gorgeous 80’s kitchen update from Simply Chic Treasures.
So what have you been painting?
How we party!
#1… This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects.
#2… I’d love for you to put my PoPP button or a text link in your blog post… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too.
#3… Share the Love… visit the other paint pals.
By linking up you are releasing me to feature your paint project, with proper link-backs of course!
Don’t forget… you can submit your paint project over at Power of Paint (my other blog) to have it featured.
Thank you SOOO much for the feature!!! I appreciate it so much. Thanks for hosting!! Have a great day!
Thanks so much for hosting! Hope you're doing well 😉
Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!
Thanks for hosting Maryann!!
Hope you are having a good week!
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks for sharing my kitchen update, I really appreciate it.
Maryann, it was so much fun being featured, thank you for hosting 🙂
Thanks so much for including amongst such great features !!!
Nothing to link up this week – but am happily going to check out what other have been doing with their paintbrushes!
Big hugs,
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I am sooo excited that you chose my pink table for your featured collection this week! You’re awesome!