3rd Most Popular Post… Ikea Shelves turned Built-In
I’m having so much fun traveling down memory lane this week. In case you just joined in… I’m celebrating my 1 year blogging anniversary this week. I’ve been looking at my top viewed posts and have some amazing giveaways.
If you haven’t entered yet… The Vintage Pearl giveaway is ending tonight (Friday)… you can enter and read all the details here.
I also have a giveaway from Priddy Creations going on till Saturday night here and I just started a giveaway from Wonderfully Wordy this morning. You can enter her vinyl giveaway here.
So continuing on in my countdown of most popular posts…
{Ikea Shelves Turned Built-In}
This is a project that has been happening in stages. When we first moved in this space had this concave space for the TV. We have a big TV, but I’m not sure they make one that would fill this space…
(See the back left corner)
I wanted to transform it into a classic bookshelf surround unit, but easily and cheaply… key words I try to live by!
After searching around we came up with this idea. We purchased these Ikea shelves… 3 of them.

I think they were about $25 each when we bought them 2 years ago. We put 2 on either end.
and then we placed the 3rd shelf horizontally across the top.
Then my dad and father-in-law came and added two shelves to stretch across the open space between on top of the tv and the horizontal shelf up top.
Then the kiddos and I played with our miter box and saw and trimmed it out with some molding. (This was back last summer)
Now finally yesterday we caulked and painted it.
We placed a 1×2 piece of wood along the sides and up top to connect the shelves to the wall. (It’s hiding under the molding)
Not too bad for about $100!!
I’m sharing my flashback post at the parties in my PARTIES menu bar.
Looks fabulous and that you had it custom made for that area.
Have you any ideas for a home office that has not inset, just wall. Would love to do this,must wondering if it would jut out too far.
That is awesome! And sharing these flashbacks is such a great idea! I'd never seen this before!
don't you just LOVE Ikea? Your built-in looks like it cost way more than what it.
Great idea and so cheap. Well done. I can see why it was a popular post.
Congrats on your one year. I had mine back in March. Seems like a great accomplishment, despite that fact that some people just don't get it.
Wow! That is so cool!
it looks grrreat! wow really looks like built ins the moulding makes all the difference
That looks great!