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For the Love of… Hanging Chairs

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Happy Thursday Friends!

FOR THE LOVE OF hanging chairs

Last week while on vacation we had glorious warm weather… this week, not so much!  It’s been raining and cold, ok… California cold… highs only in the 50’s and I just want to stay under a blanket all day.  SO… let’s just pretend I’m in tropical location, with a wrap-around porch hanging in one of these.   Yes… hanging chairs are my latest love… check these out.



Eureka Hanging Chair

Anyone else want to hang around somewhere tropical?


  1. love everyone and would be happy with anyone of these.But the last one has me hooked,my fingers would be wrapped around somethin cold,Not the hot glue gun I just shut off for the night. Love your painting projects. Check out my Blog I am newbie. But I think you might find something fun. Happy Painting

  2. Oh how lovely and tranquil do those look !
    I just want to remind you that Google Friend Connect is disappering, no following anyone with it and no one can follow you either . Hundreds of bloggers are and have including myself have hooked up to a Linky follower that lets us keep track of our followers and vise versa !https://www.linkytoolsblog.com/ I am hosting a Linky Blog Hop and would love for you to join so that we all can keep up with so many wonderful blogs ! Have a great day !

  3. My 13 year old has been on me about getting one in his room since he saw it in IKEA. I think one outside in our backyard would be so nice! Might have to think about that…

  4. We gave our kids hanging chairs for their bedrooms for Christmas! They have cushions and are kind of an eyesore, unlike the pretty ones you featured, but they are SO comfy and the kids love to read in them! There’s something about swinging and rocking in one of those chairs that is so soothing. Ikea has a great woven version that would be fun in a basement or kids room too.

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