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Mason Jar Succulent Terrarium

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Friends I’ve got some great gift ideas for Mother’s Day using the new Ball® Elite Collection Mason Jars. Just wait… you’re going to love them!!!  In fact, Ball® Canning wants one of YOU to win an entire case of them… and you get to choose the size!  You can enter our giveaway below and make sure to check all these great blogs and see their fun mason jar ideas!  I love mason jars and I love succulents and I definitely think they are a win-win together.  So I created a Mason jar Succulent Terrarium.

Mother's Day Mason Jar Succulent Gift

This is such an easy gift to put together for Mother’s Day – yet so gorgeous!

Here’s what I used:  {affiliate links provided for your convenience}

I started with a quart sized new Elite Collection Mason Jar.  I filled it with some sparkling white sand.

I decided I wanted to make this one a beachy theme so I added my succulent and then added some smooth, gorgeous rocks my girls found at the beach a couple weeks ago and a seashell.

Mason Jar Succulent Terrarium

You could place any theme of accessories.  Or just place 3 small succulents and no accessories.

Mother's Day Succulent Terrarium

A simple, beautiful Mother’s Day gift!

10 Gorgeous Mason Jar Gifts for Mother's Day

Visit these blogs and check out all the GORGEOUS Mother’s Day Gift Ideas!

A Little Clarification – An Extraordinary DayCupcakes and Crinoline

Domestically SpeakingMy Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

The Country Chic CottageThe Silly Pearl3 Little Greenwoods

Simply Kelly DesignsYesterday on Tuesday

Check out these amazing Mason Jar Posts too:

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Hanging Herb Mason Jars

Hanging Mason Jar Succulents

Coconut Lime Whipped Body Lotion

Mason Jar Strawberry Lemon Angel Food Trifle

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love this idea. I am not good at keeping plants alive so succulent gardens are my type of plants lol. I just love the colored Mason jars to, they are so pretty! Thanks for sharing on Inspire Me Monday! I hope you have a wonderful week!!

      1. Don’t you need a little dirt for nutrition in there somewhere? I expect your white sand is sterile and nothing grows in sand without some kind of dirt in it?

  2. Pingback: Mother's Day Mason Jar Gift and Giveaway - The Silly Pearl

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