
Chair for a Princess & POPP #16

Thanks for Sharing!

I bought this chair at a garage sale over a year ago for $3!
I LOVE the cane seat!
My oldest daughter has been using it with her craigslist desk.  I’ve been meaning to paint it since I bought it and finally this last weekend we got to it.
We covered all the seat with paper.  Then 1 coat of cheap ($1) flat white spray paint…. 2 coats of Krylon glossy white and she was transformed.
I monogrammed the top of the chair and added some squiggles and hearts.
I think we’ll need to sew a cute little pillow for the back.
What do you think?  Should I distress her?  My oldest daughters room really doesn’t have any distressing yet…

So what have you been painting?

Party Rules:
  • This is a PAINT party… so pretty please, link-up only paint related projects.
  • Please put my nifty POPP button in your blog post or a link back to this party in your post… that way others from your blog can check out all the paint projects too.
  • In the URL line, insert your blog post url… not your general blog address.
  • In the “NAME” line place the title of your post and your blog name (if you can fit both 🙂


  1. Pingback: Words to Live By
  2. What a pretty piece! I love rushed, caned, and woven seats as well. This chair has such an interesting shape. The white paint sets off the seat perfectly. Well done.

  3. The chair is darling! I love that you put her initial on it too. No need to distress it, I think it is gorgeous as is. Very cute!

  4. This is a really cute chair. I would just leave it like it is. As the child uses it…that will be the "distressed" look that you might want. 🙂

  5. I'm not a huge fan of distressing. I think it looks great the way it is!

    Also, just found you via Clean Mama, and I'm so excited because I just posted about a painting project today! Yay!

  6. Love that chair…that desk reminds me of the desk I had when I was growing up…I wouldn't do another thing to the chair…awesome as is…just today I painted a pair of candles that I got last week at a yard sale…the woman having the yard sale just gave them to me because they were pretty tarnished…I discovered when I got home that the candlesticks came from White Candle Farm and were $22.00 each…wow what a deal for me…I painted them with my Krylon "nickel" look paint and they look marvelous dhaling!! come visit me at http://www.foresthillsroad.blogspot.com Thanks! Robyn and Daisy Mae

  7. Hi Maryann! Thanks so much for hosting! That chair turned out cute! Don'tcha just love Krylon? 🙂

  8. I have some chairs with the wicker bottoms, I did not cover them well when I painted the wood black, now I think I have to paint the wicker. Maybe brown? Yours looks great.

  9. Great chair! I love distressed white. Too bad I only paint everything black. I'm about to try and change that soon, though. 🙂

    Thanks for hosting!

  10. Thanks for hosting! I adore your little chair…I bet you wish you hadn't waited so long to paint it! 🙂 It turned out really sweet.
    While I'm here, I wanted to let you know I'm having a giveaway over at my blog, thought you might like to join in on the fun. 🙂
    Blessings to you

  11. MY goodness, I don't know how I havent' found your delightful blog before now! WE are ALWAYS painting something! Thanks for hosting this…can't wait to see everyone's goodies!

  12. Mary Ann, I love the style of that chair. I don't think that I would distress it simply because it goes so beautiful as it currently is. Thank you for hosting the party again this week. I love all the links!

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