
Cutting Glass

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Today I’m sharing about Cutting Glass. Sounds kinda crazy, but it’s easier than you think. Once you learn this cool trick you can turn your thrift store and recyclable glass into cool cloche to display your pretties!

How to Cut Glass

Supplies Needed to Cut Glass:

  • yarn
  • nail polish remover
  • a lighter (or match)
  • sink of cold water

With my son as my assistant, we went to work. Make sure you have everything ready to go as this is a quick process, including the sink of cold water.

Rope and a Lighter to Cut Glass

How to Cut Glass

I wrapped the yarn around a bottle  3 times and tied it off.

Then I slide the yarn off and put it a shallow bowl that I had filled about 1/8 inch high with nail polish remover.

I let it soak in the remover for about a minute before removing it.

Then I slide it back over the bottle… make sure you line it up as straight as possible… it’s going to cut where the yarn is placed.

Then came the moment my son couldn’t wait for… fire!  (make sure you are in a safe area)

He lit the yarn and I held it right over the water with it angled up.  It really burned smoothly.  I kept turning it slowly till it burned itself out (about 40 seconds).

I immediately, gently put it in the cold water and POP –  it instantly broke!  It was so cool!!!

glass bottle cut with yard and nail polish remover

I want to make a ton more.  So many possibilities swirling through my head.

I took some fine sandpaper and smoothed the edges to ensure there were no sharp edges.

Check it out…

Glass Cloche made from a Bottle

I had fun using it as a cloche.

Shells in a Cloche
Make Your Own Cloche

Hubby suggested using it to hold a candle outside.

Tea Light under DIY Cloche

How cute would a bunch of these be on a patio table?  I used the base (that had been cut off) and a tea light candle.

I found cool glass at the thrift stores or you can easily use some upcycled glass from your kitchen.

Now checkout the rest of the Thrift Store Team’s projects!

Repurposed Toolbox Jewelry Box Petticoat Junktion

Cutting Glass Domestically Speaking

Clam Shell Bowl With Baking Soda Sadie Seasongoods

Wooden Rocking Chair Makeover My Repurposed Life

Antique Skeleton Key Makeover House of Hawthornes

DIY Lake Sign Our Southern Home



  1. Wow! I’ve heard about doing this but was never brave enough. I just bought some nail polish remover, I might track down some glass I might want to go in my curio cabinet, I have a lot of stuff and some need some protection.

  2. Maryann,

    I have a fancy glass cutter that I struggle with, so it is just collecting dust! Maybe I’ll give this technique a try. I love the way your bottle turned out.



  3. Wow, this is super cool! I feel like if I were to try this I would manage to injure myself some how. I think it is awesome how you were able to use it for so many things! Thanks so much for sharing, I definitely will have to save this and try it one day!

  4. That’s an interesting way to cut glass. I can’t believe the method was able to get such a straight line! The cut looks beautiful, and I can definitely see the uses for it. I don’t know if I’d be brave enough to use this method- I’d probably use more traditional glass cutting methods- but it’s a great idea for those willing to give it a try. Thanks for the information!

  5. Hi! This seemed awesome so I tried it – but it didn’t work! 🙁 Did you use plastic yarn? I usted a cotton one… And nothing happened! Or may be the nail polish remover must have alcohol?

  6. How cool is this? I need to add it to my “I gotta try this, list”!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    The candle looks wonderful!

  7. I pinned this one also…but I didn’t get a chance to try it yet.
    Thanks for the tutorial and you input on this pin.
    Glad to hear that it worked.

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