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Looking Back at August…

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Can you believe that tomorrow is September!

This is the start of my favorite few months of the year.  I adore fall and all the holidays.  Love all the décor… the baking, the crafts… oh so fun.

But before we say good-bye to August I thought it would be fun to flashback on what happened on my blog (in case you missed something).

august 2012

I started the month by trying out a pin…

domestically speaking

I wrapped a sliced apple with a rubber band.

Our storage unit Adirondack chairs got a hammered copper makeover.

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With school starting back up, I shared my Back 2 School Teacher Questionnaire.

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I shared the tutorial on how to make my Ballard’ish inspired rope cloche.

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I painted one of my auction finds…

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a pretty in pink mirror.

I shared my LOVE for burlap

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but I’m sure you already knew that I did!

I shared about the exciting changes coming to my Countdown Party.

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Make sure to get those fall goodies ready… the Fall Countdown Party starts next Friday!

And I finished up the month with my first fall project. 

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My leaf painted burlap art.

Hope you had a wonderful August too!

Thanks for stopping by friends. I’m always so grateful when you visit.


  1. Wonderful August rewind! Loved all the projects for the month and can’t believe it’s almost September! This summer has flown by! I may have to get out my fall decorations and join in on your party! Sounds like fun! Have a wonderful holiday weekend! Hugs, Leena

    1. Thanks Leena! I figure it’s Labor Day weekend right, the unofficial end of summer… so I too will be breaking out the fall decor

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