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My Ballard Copy-Cat Painting Part 2

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Yesterday I showed you my “jumping point” idea… this paint from Ballards.


Ballard Designs

In my post here I showed you my part 1, the plywood I chose, the primer, base painting and my sketch.

I planned to change the color scheme completely to match the Pottery Barn duvet cover that is in the guest bedroom.  Here’s the duvet…

So, this morning after dropping the 2 older kiddos at school & stopping by the Dr. to get a TB test so I can volunteer in their school… I got all my supplies together.  Here’s most of them.  Paint, spray bottle with water and some brushes (I used a couple smaller ones too).

I decided which flowers I wanted red’ish and which ones would be creamy white.  Then I just started painting.  I used 3 different shades of red with lighter/brighter reds at the tips of the petals and the darker red mixed with espresso brown at the base of the petals.

For the creamy white I covered the whole petal area and then used water-downed espresso brown paint at the base of the petal and pulling it outward towards the petal tips.

Here’s a glimpse…

For the center of the flowers I mixed a yellow with the espresso brown and just dabbed it in and then put some espresso dots.

Then I traced around the creamy white flowers with a small brush loaded with the espresso brown.

Now the fun twirl-things… adding the whimsy to the painting.  I used a medium size brush and that espresso brown again.

And I keep on twirling.  I used the small brush for some too.  I also added some creamy white streaks to the red flowers and more espresso brown streaks to the creamy white ones.

After looking it over I decided I wanted to outline the red flowers too, so I went back in with my small brush.

Here it is…..

Some close-ups…

I had so much fun making this.  Between stops to help my 4-yr-old change Polly’s clothes (don’t you just despise those plastic stretchy clothes), making lunch and taking her to preschool… I’d say I spent maybe about 2 hours making this.

I can’t wait to hang it.  I’ll show you what it looks like once it’s hung in the room.  I think I’m going to paint the edges of the plywood espresso brown to finish it off.

Anyone have any great ideas on how to hang this?  Guess maybe I should have thought that through first…LOL!  Maybe eye-hooks on either side with wire between?

So what do you think?  I’d love to hear…



I’m joining The Shabby Chic Cottage for Transformation Thursday too.

Edited to Join Funky Junk’s Saturday Nite Special!

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Visit thecsiproject.com


  1. Hi MaryAnn! I missed your POPP party this week, but I had to include this wonderful painting in my post today, Wonderful Wall Art.

    Hopefully I'll make your POPP party this week!

  2. Oh wow!!! The only thing I would have done differently is….given you my address so you could ship it to me!!! I love it! I have to try this. Our living room theme is abstract flowers and the prints I bought are ok but your picture would be perfect!

  3. Looks like it turned out beautifully…from what I can see….oooh, your a tease! So clever of you to create your own!

  4. Hi! Found your blog through DIY day! I have been drooling over those same ballard prints…but there's no way I was forking out that much for them. Thanks for showing us your DIY version…I MAY just try it, though I am a horrible artist. I can tell you are very creative and I look forward to following your projects!!

  5. This is amazing! Beautiful job. My flowers would resemble something a 4 year old drew. Great job!

  6. That is seriously creative! And the sky's the limit on this. You provided a great tutorial so others can achieve similar results with most any fabric pattern. Bravo!

    Very pretty! Thanks for linking up to SNS #3!

    Funky Junk Donna

  7. Great Painting! I like to use other materials other than canvas and paper for art.

    I have a large painting of umbrellas I painted on plywood.

  8. Wonderful — and to think that people actually spend money for artwork. What a great tutorial. I always say if I learn one thing from a blog, I will sign up to follow. I think I've picked up several things from yours. Sign me up!

  9. Wow.. this is great! I'm currently copying artistic something from Pottery Barn and I'm having quite a time with it. It's taking me longer than 2 hours, for sure.. and probably won't turn out nearly as nice as yours.

  10. im envious of the artistic skills. the best art you would get from me is a stick person and a heart. great job!! and thanks for stopping by over my blog! don't mind if i take a look around 🙂

  11. Wonderful and only 2 hours to boot. That is a great project and it will look great with your bedding. How about eye hooks on each side with the wire hanging up then you could disguise the wire with ribbon over it.

    can't wait to see how you do it.

  12. You did a wonderful job! I love it! I was just looking at that catalog last night and saw another picture that I am going to try my hand at as well! I think you might be able to pick up some "D" rings and picture hanging wire to be able to hang this on your wall. Good luck and I can't wait to see it hanging up!

  13. Thanks for your comment on my kitchen post! I am enjoying it–it's so much better than that cave I had before. 🙂 What you've done here is amazing. I always say I'm going to do my own artwork, but I'm really not talented in that area, so I figured that instead of wasting the money, I should put it towards something I'm good at . . . . thrift store finds!!! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. That looks amazing! So pretty. If I attempted something like that I am afraid it would look like my toddler painted it!! 🙂

  15. uh–Amazing! You are very artistic. Most people would never attempt to do something like this, so I am very impressed! can't wait to see it hanging in its home!

  16. This is so fabulous! I'm in awe. Not only are you obviously uber talented, but you combined Ballard and Pottery Barn. How could it not be great? Thanks for sharing (and for stopping by today)!

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