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Autumn Mantel with Pops of Blue

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Happy Weekend Friends!  Hope you’re having a great one.  Sorry if you visited my site in the last day or so and couldn’t get on.  I was moving to another server.  I “think” everything is back up and running great and hopefully everyone’s loading time will be quicker now too.  I’m finally getting around to sharing with you guys my Autumn Mantel.  The last few weeks have been crazy.  My oldest daughter broke her wrist which has made her independent 11-year-old self much more needy… from dressing, to washer her hair, to doing her hair… you realize all the things you are no longer needed for, yet suddenly you are once again.

Autumn Mantel with Pops of Blue

This year I went with a simple mantel.  Maybe it’s been the crazy past few weeks that I’ve been craving simplicity.

Autumn Mantel with Pops of Blue

I filled this gorgeous blue vase with some branches that I spray painted with some shimmery Silver Foil.  So pretty!

Autumn Mantel with Pops of Blue

Lots of baby boo pumpkins (my favorite).   The blue pumpkins were Dollar Tree pumpkins that I painted up.

Autumn Mantel with Pops of Blue

Love the brown grapevine ones too.  I found those at Target a few years back.

Autumn Mantel with Pops of Blue

I scored this lantern at Lowes during their summer clearance.  If you follow me on Instrgram you heard all about it.  I filled it with some mixed nuts and a creamy white candle.

Autumn Mantel with Pops of Blue

So there you go folks… this year’s Autumn Mantel… unless I change my mind of course (wink).

Autumn Mantel with Pops of Blue

Thanks friends for stopping by!  Hope you have a fabulous week.


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