Back 2 School Teacher Questionnaire
Hi Friends… I hope you guys are enjoying cooler weather than we are here in So. Cal right now. It’s so hot that we’ve run away to be closer to the beach for a few days before school starts next week. Yep… summer vacation is almost over in our house.
Since I’m on a mini-vacay I thought I’d share an oldie-but-goodie that is a great one as we’re getting ready for back-to-school.
I LOVE to give each of my kiddos’ teachers a “Getting to Know You Questionnaire” the first week of school. I think it’s a wonderful way to learn about their teachers and the BIG bonus is you have some GREAT gift ideas for birthdays, Christmas , end of the year gifts or a great surprise treat on a HOT day.
I usually send an email to each of their teachers, but you could print it up on cute paper and have your kiddo deliver it to their teacher too.
Here’s my letter:
We’re so excited that you are (your kiddo’s name) teacher! We’d love if you could take the time to fill out this questionnaire so we could get to know you a little better…
Your Birthday:
Favorite Candy:
Favorite Scent:
Favorite Cookie:
Favorite Coffee or Tea:
Favorite Drink:
Favorite Restaurant:
Favorite Snack:
Favorite Place to Shop:
Favorite Hobby:
Favorite Flower:
Thank you!
The (your last name) Family
Now you’ll know what you can bake for their teacher… what great gift card they’ll love and use… or if you volunteer in their class you could arrive with their fav Starbucks beverage in hand… I know most teacher would love that surprise!
Thanks for stopping by friends!!!
I’m so sorry I meant Maryann not Cheri…that’s what I get for multitasking…geez.
This is great Cheri! Thanks so much for sharing this. Had to Pin and + to make sure I don’t forget to send my little man in with this on his first day of 1st grade 🙂
What a great idea Maryann. Having home-schooled all of my kiddos I have some learning to do about teacher projects. I think the big boys will be trying high school when we get moved.
It makes my heart hurt.
I would love it if a student gave me a questionnaire like this to fill out. A thoughtful gift from a child really perks up a teacher’s day.
as a former teacher – great idea!! I bet they’ll be touched you care about THEM 🙂