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Burlap Hearts

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Happy Monday! This weekend while the games were on I decided to play around with some red burlap.  Of course with red burlap and Valentine’s Day just a few weeks away my girls and I created some adorable burlap hearts for our Winter/Valentine’s day mantel ( reveal later this week).

Aren’t they sweet.


We created a heart template with some cardstock and traced the shape onto the red burlap.

I thought some jute twine would fix perfectly with the rustic burlap.

With a wide-eyed needle we stitched about the heart.


You know what I stuffed it with… cotton balls!  I didn’t have any pillow stuffing… but cotton balls worked great & I had a bunch in the linen closet!


Tomorrow night at the Power of Paint Party I’ll be sharing another part of this mantel.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Ahhh…maybe this is what I can do with the 16 burlap hearts I cut out over a week ago and have left sitting on the corner of my cutting table . .. thanks for the great idea!

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