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DIY Blog Tour

Thanks for Sharing!

Happy Weekend Friends!!!   One of my dear blogging friends, Heather from Setting For Four, invited me to join this DIY Blogland Tour and I am excited to be a part of it.    Today I’m going to share a little of the behind the scenes at Domestically Speaking and a glimpse at some of the fun ahead.

**Welcome To My Tour**

I started Domestically Speaking almost 5 years ago… wow!  I had lots of family and friends who encouraged me to take that first step to hit the publish button… but I’m so thrilled that I did.  My blog is a mix of some of the things I’m most passionate about.  I started my blog during a time when we had recently moved into our current home and my husband had been laid off from his job.  Money was tight, but I wanted to still make the most of our home.  Domestically Speaking has turned into a full-time job since then, but my passion and blog post remain the same… sharing DIY, home décor, recipes, crafts and more that won’t break the bank and encouraging others that they too can do the same too.

1. What am I working on?

Goodness!  I’ve heard this is common of creative people, but I’ve got quite a few projects going on.  The biggest is finishing our kitchen makeover.

Kitchen Makeover, Painted but still more to come

A few months ago we started our kitchen makeover.  We painted all the walls this gorgeous gray – which I adore!  We also painted our builder grade maple cabinets white.  Since this photo we installed a gorgeous nautical pendant light over the island and installed hardware on the cabinets and drawers.  Still on the to-do list… counters, backsplash and flooring.  Hopefully now that the kiddos are back in school I can focus on that again.

I still need to finish our master bathroom makeover and then the next room makeover will be our son’s.  He just turned 14 and needs a more “grown up” room.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I think each person’s work is different because it’s their creation.  My style is a beachy, classic, glam style.  Living in So. California all my life I’m a total beach bum.  I love classic lines, molding and décor… but I think every space needs a bit of glam too.

Here’s a look at my “plan” for our kitchen makeover:

kitchen plans


3. Why do I write/create what I do?

I love that I’m able to have this blog as a place to share with others.  I love creating and would be doing all my crazy projects whether or not I had a blog, but having an outlet to share that is wonderful and hopefully I inspire some of you to tackle those projects you’ve been too intimidated to try.  My husband tells me all the time that our home is my canvas and yours should be too… don’t be afraid to try and see what you can create!  Like our garage door makeover.  For less than $15 our faded garage door got a faux wood finish that we love!

Update Your Garage Door with Gel Stain

4. How does your writing/ creating process work?

I try to be really organized.  I use Google calendar and try to map out projects as I have ideas, etc.  I have to get it written down somewhere or who knows if I’ll remember it.  I’ve got 3 kiddos that need shuttling to school and home and all are involved in sports and activities after school… so I do my best to work around their schedule.

I hope that was a fun little glimpse inside!  Now I’ve got 2 awesome DIY bloggers to share with you!

Kristen  ~  Ella Claire

Kristen Whitby Ella Claire

Here’s one of her most popular Fall posts… LOVE this sign!


Hi I’m Kristen, I am passionate about making my home a lovely and welcoming place for my family. I love to build, bake, decorate and create and I am always inspired by vintage charm.


Jessica  ~  Décor Adventures


Hi I’m Jessica, a grad student by day and project queen by night. Decor Adventures is about creating a beautiful home while having a great time along the way. I share DIY tips, furniture makeovers, home improvement projects and more from my 114-year old home. Currently I’m blogging about my home office makeover  before I do a quick change to make the room a nursery. We’re expecting our first little one the day before Thanksgiving.

Visit me at Decor Adventures to find ideas for decorating an old home, tips on DIY and lots of furniture before and afters, which are my favorite projects to do. Thanks Maryann for including me on the tour.

Thanks ladies!  It was great having you over today and thanks again Heather for the Blog Tour invite.

Have a wonderful weekend friends!


  1. Thanks for having me on your tour! What a great plan for your kitchen, it’s so pretty already. I love the inspiration pics and know you will be so happy with a new space you created.

    Glad you get to blog and do what you love!

  2. I always enjoy seeing what other people/bloggers are doing to improve their homes. Some of them certainly seem extremely adventurous to me but who am I to judge? Hey more power to them to fix up their homes for many reasons. Good for them.
    I have many people I know that ask me why I’m always working on making things or painting a room in our home. So many people think once a room has been done then why do it again? Uh to update your home and yourself when it comes down to it.
    We don’t do nearly as much as I’d like to do simply because the funds for more just aren’t there for us. We live on our SS income which has to last us 5 weeks between paydays many months of a year.
    It’s hard to find money to fix things up. Luckily I’m a thrift store shopper and make my own art, I sew, redo furniture that helps spread our “budget” much further. To me that’s half the fun of fixing up our home, finding those bargains, giving them a new life. I get so many incredible ideas off blog land, it’s so inspiring. So much talent out there just for reading posts and subscribing to blogs. I’ve made friends of some bloggers and that enriches my life so much. I feel fortunate to have found such a terrific source of encouragement. My life is so much richer for the experiences I’ve had with bloggers. Long live blog land. Happy weekend

  3. I enjoyed the tour, Maryann. My kitchen cabinets look like the exact same ones as before you began painting. Mine definitely need a face-lift but it will be a while before they get it. Thanks for sharing how you did it all!

  4. What a great post! It was so fun to get to know what drives you to blog and create!! I love your motto that our homes are our canvases! So true! xo Heather

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