Get Your Kids Excited about Chores with Chores in My Hat
Getting your kiddos to do chores can be a challenge! We all know that kiddos need to learn how to help clean the house, but Moms also know that can be a challenge. So today I’m sharing one of my secrets! My mom use to do this fun game – Chores in My Hat with my brothers and I and I’ve been doing it with my kiddos for years. This is a fun way to get your kiddos to get excited about doing chores and happy to help out around the house.
The concept is making chores fun by giving it a game feel. I’ve got 2 free Chores in My Hat printables – one with the jobs I use for my kiddos and one that’s blank where you can add your own.
So here’s how it works:
- list out all your chores and cut them out
- place all the chores in a hat
- let the kiddos take turns picking out a chore, going in a circle until all the chores have been picked
- go forth and clean
I allow my kiddos to trade chores if they want too, since some have jobs they prefer.
You’ll be amazed at he attitude difference you’ll see. I’ll put some fun music on while we clean too and within a few hours you have a much cleaner house!
Chores in My Hat Printable with Chores Included
Chores in My Hat Printable Blank
Now I’ve got some great blogging friends that have joined me for this week long Ultimate Cleaning and Organization Week… so stop back each day to see some great ideas. But today you can scroll down to see some other great Organization and Cleaning Printables to keep off this week!
Check out these great cleaning and organizing ideas:
Domestically Speaking | Simply Designing | Hymns and Verses
Fresh Idea Studio | Decor Adventures
Refresh Restyle | Cupcakes and Crinoline | Stone Gable
What Meegan Makes | My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Postcards from the Ridge | H2O Bungalow
Yesterday on Tuesday | Inspiration for Moms
Petticoat Junktion | Redhead Can Decorate
The Silly Pearl | Cleverly Inspired
The Interior Frugalista | Setting for Four
Duke and Duchesses | Organized Island
Occasionally Craft | Organize and Decorate Everything
What a great idea. When my kids were younger (grown and gone now!), I had a roll of adding machine tape on a wooden holder. I wrote chores on the tape and as they got them done, they crossed them out and ripped them off. It seemed like the list never ended (caz housework never does!) and they were resentful at times.. Your idea is really cute and kids would see an end in sight! I always found music to be a great motivator for myself–old Beach Boys, Irish sea chanties (swab that deck!), and Broadway showtunes–played louder than the central vac (neighbors aren’t too close!). Happy Easter!
What a great idea! And I love that it is a game and not a bribe to make kids motivated. Just pinned and posted to my Facebook page.
What a fun idea! (and a cute hat!) Thanks for linking up with The DIY Collective, come back and visit us again next week! xo! Cassie
Do you think this will work for my husband’s “honey do” list?
Very cute! Thanks for the idea! Pinned and ready to be used! – Marie
Love these tips Maryann! Pinned!
Oh my goodness this is such a clever idea!!! I have to try it with my kids (who are currently running around NOT doing the chores I asked them to do….
This is such a great idea! I’m pinning it to use on my kids next week. It’s actually fun when we can all work at the same time to get the chores done, then have fun together later.
My girls would love this! Actually, I’d love it too!
Thank you Maryann for organizing this great (and very useful!) blog hop!
It’s such a lovely idea! A a nice start of the year and a good way to change the cleaning routine for me and my kids. I would never think about such a creative way to make cleaning chores more interesting for the kids. As a professional cleaner a have some fixed rules which everyone in the house are following, and no change was allowed. But the game “Chores in My Hat” is a breath of fresh air for our family, so thank you for the great inspiration! Have a great year! Greets, Leah from
Great idea, Maryann! Pinning this for sure!
That is such a cool idea! I need to try this with my son! Pinning!
Great way to “market” the chores– much cheerier than mom screaming “Get up here and clean the bathroom!” which is how it’s been working in my house! Thanks for the great idea and for organizing this awesome collection of organizational tips!
Such a creative idea! How fun…I WISH I’d known about this fun way to disguise chores when mine were growing up. We played the do your chores or else game…as in your grounded and no phone!
I love this. My grands will LOVE this! How fun and no complaining. Thanks for organizing and preparing the tour. This is amazing.
This is such a great idea, Maryann! Better than me ‘reminding’ and asking! Thanks so much for sharing.
Super cute! I’m saving this one for when my little one gets older (she’s only a year now). It’s always good to have kids help around the house!
Great idea Maryann! Chores are always more fun when they feel like a game. And music makes everything better!
This is a great idea, Maryann! What a fun way to handle chores the kiddos! Pinning!
I’m totally stealing this idea, love it!! Happy New year!
Oh my gosh Maryann your fun practical approach to getting your kiddos to do their part is awesome! And, a much better example of positive parenting than we use.
Love it! Thanks for such a fun tour & Happy twenty16!
This is a great idea, Maryann. I wish I would have done something like this when my kids were young.