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Master Bath Part 2… Mirror Makeover

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My mirror makeover hit a snag!

I showed you earlier this week a peek at my master bathroom mirror makeover plan

I had picked out what looked like a great “espresso” brown paint during Glidden’s free paint giveaway.  I picked Dark French Chocolate… doesn’t it sound yummy?

Well it looks purple

Like a deep eggplant purple!

I decided to email customer service at Glidden to ask if this is normal.  (I haven’t heard back yet).  I also goggled my observation… I wanted to see if this is just how this color looks or if they made a mistake on my can of paint.  Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks Dark French Chocolate looks purple.. I found a few other bloggers who had the same conclusion.

I decided to paint one piece of my molding… hoping it might dry brown…. not!

Here’s the molding next to my brown Ugg-like boots.  I don’t think the lighting is doing it justice…

So I think I’m going to mix my own.  I’ve got this can and by-golly-by-gosh I’m going to make it work… did you hear me stomping my feet ((smile)).

Eek… I hope I like it!


  1. If you have any gold or yellow paint…. add that to it. It will neutralize the purple. You also may need some red to make it more "milk chocolate". Good luck!

  2. As a color consultant, I specify lots of deep browns. There is something seriously wrong there. Browns can shift purple, but I've never seen it do so to that extent.

    Take the lighting into consideration in the bathroom. If you have lots of natural light, you have to go way darker to keep it that way. The same thing happens when you put brown on exteriors. It gets really washed out, and the undertones come shining through.

    Thanks for the update!

  3. It does look purple. I painted my son's bathroom chocolate brown and it looked a little purple but not eggplant. It dried great though.

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