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Natural Autumn Mantel

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I’m so excited to share my autumn mantel.  I love neutral colors and to be they embrace fall.white pumpkins, pinecones, acorns

This year I wanted simple… natural elements on my autumn mantel.

white pumpkins, fall, pinecones, acorns

LOTS of little, adorable white pumpkins… I adore the stem on this one.

white pumpkins, fall, pinecones, acorns

white pumpkins, pinecones, fall, acorns

Pinecones collected by little hands…

white pumpkins, acorns, pinecones, fall

and a collection of acorns found while apple picking.

pinecones, white pumpkins, acorn, fall

burlap, acorns, white pumpkins, fall

I wanted my autumn mantel to remind me of some of things that matter most… the things we reflect on this time of year.

burlap, leaf, white pumpkins, fall

The simple, beauty of this season…

fall, white pumpkins, nuts, acorns, burlap

and the memories we make during it with the ones we love the most.

fall, white pumpkins, acorns, burlap, pinecones

I hope you are making some wonderful memories this autumn.


    1. Awe thanks Holly! Your photography comment means a lot – it’s been one of my goals this year to improve on my photography skills… still SO much to learn!

  1. Maryann: This is exactly my style – neutral colors and natural elements! Love the amber glass bottle – we have one similar to it too , such a pretty color 🙂

    1. Thanks Carolyn… I’d pack it up for you, but I’m not sure the pumpkins would survive.

  2. I keep looking at mantels for inspiration and nothing has been quite right. This is PERFECT!!!! If I could make my mantel look just like this I would be so happy. Great work :o)

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