
DIY Octopus Shell Art

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This DIY Octopus Shell Art was a fun project I put together for our monthly thrift store makeovers. I found a bag of small shells at my local thrift store, and I don’t pass up on bargain shells. I’ve been wanting to add some decor to our downstairs bathroom that I’m creating with a coastal Octopus theme, so I though some seashell art would be a great addition.

Octopus Shell Art

Here’s what I found at the thrift store, a half-used bag of shells. I already had the canvas, so it made for a cheap and thrifty piece of art.

Items for Octopus Shell Art

Octopus Shell Art Supplies

(affiliate links provided for your convenience)

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Make Octopus Shell Art

  1. Find a image

    First step is finding an image that you want to create for your shell art. I went with an Octopus for this project.Octopus Drawing

  2. Attach image

    Use some painter’s tape to help hold down your image.

  3. Trace your image

    Using a sharp pencil, firmly trace around the edges of the image.Indented Image of Octopus

  4. Glue on the Shells

    I started planning what shells I would put in one area. I started with the head. Once I knew which shells I wanted to use I applied the glue over the head area and pressed the shells onto the canvas. The superglue I used dries within a minute. I would wait a minute and then move to the next area.Gluing shells onto canvas.

  5. Eyes

    The final step was using a Sharpie to add the black center of the eye onto two shells.Seashell Octopus Art

I love how it looks in our downstairs bathroom!

Seashell Octopus Art

Other Thrift Store Projects

Make sure to check out what the rest of the team made over this month!

Thrift Store Items
Burlap Gift Bags
T.V. Tray Table Makeove
Badminton Racket Repurpose
Upcycling a Clam Hod as a Pumpkin Basket
Carved Tray Makeover
Mirror Makeover Using Chalky Paint
Octopus Shell Art

Other Shell Art

Easy to make this seashell art is so fun! Make Octopus Shell Art or anything you'd like.


  1. It’s super cute I would love to make one I have a bunch of shells and I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with them. However I cannot link to the glue that you used. Can you please tell me which glue do you like to use?

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