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Putting It All Together…

Thanks for Sharing!

All week I’ve been sharing how I created bits and pieces of our master bedroom gallery wall.  Today I’m sharing my “how to” assembly it all!


There is no right or wrong way to put together a gallery wall!

You can use all of the same size and colored frames or like in my case, you can use many different sizes and textures. It’s all about what you like!

1stFigure out how big your gallery wall will be.

2ndFind a spot on your floor and mark off the same size area as your gallery wall will be.  You can use tape if this helps you visualize better.


3rdGather all your goodies.

4thPLAY… put all your goodies on the ground and see if you find a layout you like.

You also can find a lot of inspiration online.  This ONE is great and Here and Here.

{How I did Mine}

I started by placing my 2 biggest frames in the center (my 2 botanicals).

Then I took 2 similar sized frames and places one on one side of the botanicals and one diagonally across on the other side of the botanicals.

I kept repeating this idea, but making it a looser interpretation as I went.  If you look at the outsides they don’t mirror as much.


Then I grabbed the top botanical and hung it on the wall.


I measure the space I wanted and hung the second botanical print.

I worked my way out from the center botanicals using a measure tape for some and just eye-balling others…


Till I had everything hung.


Here’s the list of all of my gallery wall projects:

Vacation Burlap

Key to My Heart

Love Mirror


Map Memories

So… do you have a gallery wall in your home?  Plans for one in the future?

Technorati Tags: gallery wall,how to,layout,burlap,frames,mirrors,key



  1. Rhonda ~ I don't worry about studs. Most of the items on mine are really light weight. The heavy item, the love mirror I used a picture hanger. You can purchase these at Home Depot, Lowes and I think even Walmart or Target. They come in a bunch of sizes, which tell you the weight they will hold. I used one that could hold up to 10lbs. I think my mirror is about 5lbs. The nail goes in at an angle which helps to hold the weight.
    Hope that helps! 🙂

  2. love your gallery wall & thanks for the great tips….funny because i just posted a tour of my living room today and talked about how i wanted a gallery wall 🙂

    cheryl ~ my hubby hangs everything in our house, and when something is heavy, he uses plastic anchors…they go in the wall first, and then when you put a screw in, it kind of expands the anchor. i'm not too good at explaining it, but the package label is "plastic anchors & screws"…..hope that helps!

  3. "So do you have a gallery wall in your home?"

    No. But I will now. Lol. Beautiful as usual!

    Rhonda, I've never had a problem hanging pictures where there wasn't a stud, except as you said, when the picture (read: frame), was too heavy. I've tried a few different ideas, but have never gotten the heavy ones to stay put.

    Maryanne, if you have a solution, let us know.

  4. This is what I don't understand about gallery walls… Do studs not matter? Does it only matter if it's a very heavy piece?

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