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Ruffled No Sew Scarf

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Good morning friends!  I hope you are warm and dry.  Our week plus of summer temps are gone and today it’s cool and raining.  So today I’ve got a cute scarf to brighten up our day.

Domestically Speaking: No Sew T-Shirt Scarf

I pinned this scarf last year and finally got around to making it.  You can see the video clip on how to make this here.

This was super easy to make, just took a little time… so put on your favorite show and you’re good to go!

Domestically Speaking: No Sew T-Shirt Scarf

Here’s the supplies you need: 

A t-shirt. You can use an old one or buy new.  The bigger the size the more ruffles you are going to get.  I bought a 3x at Hobby Lobby (love that place).


9” plate

fabric glue


Domestically Speaking: No Sew T-shirt Scarf Tutorial

I started by cutting off the sleeves.

Then I cut the top of the shoulders and then along one side, so that you can open up the shirt.  You are going to cut out as many 9” circles as you can, so decide the best starting point.  I went with the top and worked my way down and then across.  I just traced the circles using the paper plate.

Domestically Speaking: No Sew Ruffled T-shirt Scarf Tutorial

I was able to get 15 circles from the shirt.

Domestically Speaking: No Sew Ruffled T-Shirt Scarf Tutorial

Then you take your circle and cut a spiral circle, at about a 2” width… like so…

Domestically Speaking: No Sew Ruffled T-shirt Scarf Tutorial

Once all your circles are spiral ~ stretch them.  Grab the two ends and gently pull.  Then holding one end, run your hand from top to bottom while pulling ~ this helps to make all those pretty ruffles.  Also those uneven, rough looking cut lines ~ they won’t matter at all when you start stretching.

Domestically Speaking: No Sew Ruffled T-Shirt Scarf Tutorial

Once you have your pile of ruffles you are going to glue 2 pieces together.  It just takes a little dab of the fabric glue.  So with my 15 strips of ruffles I created 7 long pieces (glued together) and had one left over (you’ll see why  in a second).  I let the fabric glue dry for about 10 minutes.

Domestically Speaking: No Sew Ruffled T-Shirt Scarf Tutorial

Stack your 7 strips of ruffles together and with the extra piece you tie them all together.  I tied it twice to make sure it was good and secure.

Domestically Speaking: No Sew Ruffled T-Shirt Scarf Tutorial

Now check out this ruffled~ cuteness.

I had “Blonde” model it for you guys.  This scarf is great because it’s pretty light weight, which means you could easily wear it into Spring and even Summer.

Domestically Speaking: No Sew Ruffled T-Shirt Scarf Tutorial

Super cute, right?   I’d say it took a little less than an hour (with glue dry time), so dig through those old t-shirts, put on one of your favorite shows and by the end you’ll have an adorable, ruffled scarf!

Have a great day friends & thanks for stopping by!



  1. Was looking for a DIY idea for pirate ruffles because I can’t find a white blouse with ruffles in my size. Than you for sharing!

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