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Spring Mason Jar Chalkboard Mantel

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I love this Spring Chalkboard Mantel with mason jars!  Have you seen the gorgeous green and blue vintage mason jars?  Their colors just screamed Spring to me and definitely inspired this Spring mantel.

Chalkboard Spring Mantel with blue and green mason jars and white daisies.  A simple Spring Mantel full of color with touches of green moss and galvanized buckets.


Spring Chalkboard Mantel

The blue and green vintage mason jars make me smile.

Chalkboard Spring Mantel with blue and green mason jars and white daisies.  A simple Spring Mantel full of color with touches of green moss and galvanized buckets.


I love them all lined up with each other!  I created a chalkboard banner and strung it up with some baker’s twine and mini clothes pins.

Chalkboard Spring Mantel with blue and green mason jars and white daisies.  A simple Spring Mantel full of color with touches of green moss and galvanized buckets.


I filled the mason jars with beautiful white spring flowers.

Chalkboard Spring Mantel with blue and green mason jars and white daisies.  A simple Spring Mantel full of color with touches of green moss and galvanized buckets.


I had fun creating a sweet spring chalkboard sign… April Showers bring May Flowers.

Chalkboard Spring Mantel with blue and green mason jars and white daisies.  A simple Spring Mantel full of color with touches of green moss and galvanized buckets.

Spring Mason Jar Chalkboard Mantel

To get crisp lettering I used a chalkboard marker.

Chalkboard Spring Mantel with blue and green mason jars and white daisies.  A simple Spring Mantel full of color with touches of green moss and galvanized buckets.


The ends of the mantel are flanked with a variety of eggs.  I have my moss eggs and twine wrapped eggs filling up the galvanized buckets.

Chalkboard Spring Mantel with blue and green mason jars and white daisies.  A simple Spring Mantel full of color with touches of green moss and galvanized buckets.


Such an easy mantel to put together to capture the beauty of Spring.

Chalkboard Spring Mantel with blue and green mason jars and white daisies.  A simple Spring Mantel full of color with touches of green moss and galvanized buckets.



  1. This mantel is great. I enjoy how pretty it is, how easy it is to do, and its cost effective as well. Great project, thanks for sharing.

    1. I think that’s my favorite part too… just lovin’ that blue and green together! Have a great week Lynn!

    1. Awe thanks Holly ~ It’s so cheery it makes me smile! 🙂 Have a great week!

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