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#3 on my Top Blogging Posts

Thanks for Sharing!

The 2 year blogging anniversary celebration continues.  If you didn’t enter Monday’s giveaway, you can find it here. Tuesday’s giveaway is here.

All this week I’m counting down my top 5 blog posts.  You can see #5  here and #4 is here.  So let’s check out what made #3.

{M & M’s Teacher Appreciation Gift}

This week is teacher appreciation week.   Tomorrow my kiddos will take these easy to make gifts to their teachers.

I used mason jars, the same as I used for my Pottery Barn Candleholders.

Filled them with M&M’s… plain & peanut

Printed out this cute M&M poem…

Glued it to some cardstock to frame it out…

Hole punched around the edges & then weaved the twine through the holes & attached the poem with some twine to the jar.

I traced the lid on some leftover vellum paper to make a cute top.

Easy-peasy ~ CUTE and Yummy gift!

Here’s the poem (in case you want to copy, paste & use)

Green is for the inspiration you give me each day.

Blue is for your patience in showing me the way.

Orange is for your warmth and caring style.

Yellow is for the way you always make me smile.

Red is for my life that you have touched this year.

You’re a very special teacher just like this jar, that’s clear.

You place knowledge in our children’s hands

and melt into their hearts and lives forever.

You’re a "Magnificent" & "Marvelous" teacher

Thank you for being my M&M.


I’ve got 2 giveaways starting later today… stay tuned!

Technorati Tags: blog anniversary,teacher appreciation,gift,thank you,poem,m & m’s


  1. YAY! What great news! I don’t even know how to sew or wear a lot of jewelry so a lot of what you do on your blog isn’t stuff that I am even CAPABLE of. HOWEVER, I read every one of your posts because I enjoy you as a blogger so much! Maybe that makes me creepy?? 🙂 HAH! Either way, congratulations! I love that you have found success doing something you enjoy and I look forward to continuing to read your posts!

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