Great Back to School Ideas {Features from Inspire Me Monday}
Are your kiddos’ in school? Two of mine are and the 3rd starts this week. We are knee-deep in paperwork, sorting through school supplies and trying to get ourselves to bed at a decent time. In this week’s Inspire Me Monday we had a TON of amazing recipes, home decor projects and more… but Great Back to School Ideas is what caught my eye.
Let’s check out these great ideas to help us as we get back into the routine of school…
makes keeping lists even cuter
First Day of School Photo Prop
love this idea… you can make it once and use it every year
Back to School Memories Printable
love this for every year of elementary… too bad my youngest is in her last year
my girls would love to make these
love one place to keep everything they need… just put out on the kitchen table
Great ideas right!
We’ll see you on Monday with our next wonderful party!!!
Thanks for featuring the homework caddy from The Organized Life. Always a pleasure linking up each week!
I love these. Organization can make or break any plan.