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No Sew Burlap and Lace Runner

Thanks for Sharing!

Howdy everyone! I’m so excited to be sharing over here today. Special thanks to Maryann for being the hostess with the most-ess! She’s a total doll and I can’t thank her enough for taking the time and effort to put together such a fabulous blog series!
I’m Sara, and I go by “Mrs Major Hoff” in the blogosphere. I’m the mama of 4 boys, and the wife of a retired US Army soldier (yes, I’m married to GI Joe).  I’m a hobby crafter, a sometimes quilter, a jack of all trades, a Martha Stewart wannabe, a carpool chauffeur and an avid traveler. I chronicle all my adventures over at my blog: Major Hoff Takes A Wife. I hope you stop by sometimes to see what kind of shenanigans I have gotten myself into!

I loved Maryann’s idea for a burlap inspired series. Because who doesn’t love burlap? It’s inexpensive and readily available. There are no limits to the amount of creativity burlap can bring to crafters. I’m sure all the other guest bloggers will wow you with incredible projects, and inspire you to be creative as well. Today, I’m going to show you how to make this lace burlap ribbon table runner. That was a mouthful, huh? Trust me, it will be easier to make it than try to say it! It took me less than an hour, and that was with me snapping photos at the same time. I love how versatile this table runner is. It is perfect for the Autumn season, but would look lovely at a wedding reception. Are you excited to make one? Well, let’s get started!

supplies for lace burlap ribbon table runner
These are the basic supplies you need. I picked up a ready made table runner at the store. It’s inexpensive, easy to iron, and worth it’s weight in gold (I love to sew, but somethings are just better to buy ready to embellish). In addition to the table runner, I used Steam a seam tape (a seamstresses hidden secret!), and lots of this burlap lace ribbon I found at the craft store. There were so many to choose from, it was hard to pick!

Step 1:

Picking ribbon for the table runner

Iron the table runner. Decide what order you would like the ribbons to be in and cut them about 1.5 inches longer than the width of the table runner on each side.

Step 2:

using steam a seam on ribbon

Find the ribbon you picked for the bottom of the runner. Flip that ribbon over. It is very important that you attach the steam a seam tape to the back of the ribbon, not the pretty front! Iron on the steam a seam tape (leave the paper on, otherwise it sticks to your iron!). The web material (the glue) goes on the ribbon. Since my ribbon was wide, I used two strips.

Step 3:

peeling steam a seam off ribbon.jpg

Allow the steam a seam tape to cool. After about 30 seconds, peel off the paper. You will see the webbing mesh glue gets left behind.
Position the ribbon where you would like it to go, allowing for the excess to go over the sides of the runner. Iron on the ribbon on the runner part only (not the excess).

Step 4:

Folding over seam for table runner

Now is the time to deal with the excess. Fold it under around the edge of the runner and make sure everything is aligned. Press flat and iron well on both sides to get it to stick. When finished it should appear flat like this:

Burlap ribbon pressed on a table runner

See how nice and crisp that edge looks!!!

Final Steps:
Continue on adding the ribbons where you would like! Place them anywhere you’d think they would look great! The choice is yours. I think even one ribbon at the bottom looks dashing!
Want to see the finished product? Well here ya go!

Burlap ribbon no sew table runner

Lace and burlap make for a pretty table runner

Dining room burlap table runner for fall

You can see my Halloween decor for this year in the background. Here’s a better look:

MajHoffTakesAWife Halloween 2015

Major Hoff Takes A Wife Halloween 2015

Looking for a dessert to serve on your new homemade burlap ribbon table runner? Might I suggest this amazing pumpkin dessert:

MajHoffTakesAWife Pumpkin no bake dessert

No Bake Pumpkin Dessert

I’d love to hear from you if you make the table runner! Please feel free to drop by any time. Thanks again to Maryann!


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