
Menu Board / Menu Planning…

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A few years back I purchased this chalkboard from Ikea

I just discovered when I went to Ikea’s website, that this is magnetic too… who knew???

I painted the wood white and placed some paper along the back storage area, that complimented the paint in our dining nook.

I love having a weekly menu plan and I love having it posted on my cute board.  It helps me stay on track for pulling things out of the freezer and not struggling at 4pm to figure out “what’s for dinner?

During a week I will normally have at least 1 Crockpot meal, a Mexican dinner, a pasta dish, a bbq’ed entree, breakfast for dinner and a leftovers night.  I normally have one easy menu meal too… like hot dogs on Sunday. 

I also have the older kiddos dinner chores listed here.  They switch each week.  One does dishes and cleans and wipes down the counters… the other cleans and wipes down the kitchen table and sweeps the floors.  No confusion on who does what this way.

How do you organize your meals?

Power of Paint link up will start at 7pm tomorrow night (Tuesday).



  1. Hey Wassup?
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  2. I love this idea. My kids are always asking what's for dinner! My kids also trade off on chores. I think that it's great to see who's doing what in black and white so there are no questions!

    I'm having a linky party and would love to have you come over and link this up!


  3. That's an adorable chalk board–and it's magnetic too?? Genius. You made it look pretty and apparently you're really putting it to good use! Good for you!

  4. Fabulous idea! And I love how you changed up the chalkboard with the paint. Looks so much better! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I LOVE that you include breakfast for dinner on a regular basis! We usually have it when my husband is out of town; the girls know it's a special night when Brinner is on the menu!

    Great makeover!

  6. I LOVE this way of organizing your meals! Whenever I write it out on a piece of paper it seems to disappear during the week. This is great! Thanks for the idea!

  7. What a cute chalk board. I wish I has a spot in my kitchen to hang something like that. It would be easier than pulling out my monthy planner to figure out what I am supposed to take out of the freezer!

  8. I don't plan meals out. I just cook whatever comes to mind. My son doesn't hardly eat anything I cook even though I cook like Paula Deen….go figure. I love the idea though.

  9. Oh man, what an excellent idea. I'm off to get one JUST for the reason that I like discontinuing the "Mom, whats for dinner" screech! 🙂

  10. A great chalkboard, I must say. I do not post a menu normally but I do think it's a great idea. It would at least keep my three kiddos from constantly asking what's for dinner.

  11. Wow, I am a huge Ikea fan but have never seen that cute chalkboard. Definitely on the list on my next expedition there. 🙂

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