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My Friday Favorite ~ My New-to-Me Buffet

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Last week I blogged here about this great piece of furniture that I found sitting curbside.  I couldn’t believe how perfect it was.  This is what she looked like when I started her makeover…
She got a good sanding to get the shine off and make sure she was smooth everywhere.
Then I took her out back to primer her.  I used Wal-Mart’s 97 cent flat black spray paint.
Here she is after 2 coats of primer…
Then I used Rust-Oleum’s American Accent Semi-Gloss paint in Black.  She got 2 coats.
Here she is… I just LOVE her!
Another view…
I think it’s so cool how the sides lift up.  Does anyone know what this type of buffet is called?  It’s made by Bassett Furniture.
I think my flash is making it looked distressed, even though it’s not.  (Our living/dining room has only 1 little window, so it’s almost impossible to get a photo with only natural light.)
A close-up of some of the detail…
And the bottom drawer area.  I’m think I’m going to change the handles to something with more shine… any ideas??
So, what do you think?  Isn’t she pretty & the best is that is cost me NOTHING!   She was free curbside and I had all the supplies on hand… LOVE IT!!
Now I’m off to put some pretties on her… she needs a lamp, some candlesticks, hum… can’t wait.



  1. I'm so enjoying looking around your blog. I can't believe someone left this on the curb! Awesome transformation!

  2. What a beautiful finish on a very interesting piece…. you did a great job! I kind of like the handles as they are.

  3. Amazing! Why throw it out, at least donate it. All the better for you though! It looks great.

  4. Ok now that is a FIND!!! Wow who would throw that away? I would totally gobble that up too. Great job making her usable again.

  5. Excellent job, can't believe someone left it on the curb!! Lucky find, it's beautiful. I'm thinking of those crystal handles you can get to change the hardware (not knobs, these are actually handles). In the meantime it looks great as it is. 😀

  6. OMGosh, who puts furniture like that out on the curb????? You are so lucky!! And you did a faboulous job with it. I just love it and the black looks great. I would have painted it black too!!

  7. The person who put that on the curb should be slapped, but good for you for being there to pick it up!! What a great find! I love it in black, too. If you're thinking about changing the knobs, have you though about crystal ones? They would really bring a sparkle.

  8. I can't believe you found that on a curb!!! My local curbs are near as fruitful as yours…lucky you! Great job!

  9. I really need to hang out on your curb! What a beautiful piece of furniture! You did a wonderful job with it…looks great! =O)

  10. I'm always amazed at what people find on the curb. I never see anything good on a curb. Maybe I need to take another route home.
    Very well done!

  11. Now that is what I call curbshopping! Helas it is forbidden to put anything out on the curb here, so I won't find any treasures like that. It looks beautiful!

  12. I can't believe that you found that!! And such a great job! I've been trying to paint a book case for over a month now. I think I may spray paint it like you did with this one.

  13. I cannot believe you found that sitting on a curb! It is beautiful. I love all of the details! What a wonderful job you did on it. So pretty!


  14. That is beautiful! It's very unique. I don't think I've ever seen a piece of furniture like that. An amazing find!

  15. Free is always good! 🙂 I am on the hunt for a piece like that. I love what you did with yours…beautiful!!! Visiting from Kimba's party. 🙂

  16. My kind of makeover….FREE! Looks terrific. Loving black furniture. Great transformation :o)

  17. Did I read that right? That was a curbside find? What a great transformation!!


  18. So Beautiful! Lucky girl. I like the details on the handles. If you haven't already, you might just want to clean them really well. It should bring back a little sparkle 🙂

  19. I absolutely love this transformation – what an unusual and beautiful piece of furniture and you have really done it justice with your makeover 🙂

  20. I absolutely love this transformation – what an unusual and beautiful piece of furniture and you have really done it justice with your makeover 🙂

  21. I think this is the find of the century. I love it. What a fabulous piece and painted black it is stunning. Hugs, Marty

  22. I hope the original owner doesn't read your blog–they will want to reclaim it ! I love it and I like the pulls the way they are!.

  23. I love the piece, it is sooo coool, what a lucky find and you made it look so beautiful, so talented, I love that…

  24. What a fantastic curbside find, what a lucky gal you are! And a gorgeous transformation as well, great job!

  25. I can't believe you found that on the curb, what a lucky girl you are. It is just beautiful, great job. Thanks for showing.

  26. this rocks, I like nothing better than side of the road finds and this one to turn out like this is wonderful!

    great job and fab inspiration

    happy met monday


  27. I love those curvy drawers. I like the practical wing for big buffets. An of course she can fold her wind after landing on an aircraft carrier. Great find and fine work.

  28. Wow! Beautifully done! :o)
    I noticed you are in CA. I am transplanted here from CA! :o)
    Have a nice day.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  29. Ok…I'm green over here right now. FREE on the side of the road?!? I love French Provincial furniture. Lucky girl! It actually almost matches the dresser I purchased on Craig's list a few weeks ago. Wonderful find and a wonderful job giving it a new life.

  30. Oh! Oh! Oh! I bought one of these buffets from Craigslist about a year ago. I thought I got a good deal at $35.00 but you did even better! I painted mine white and posted about it in May (if you want to see it in my archives). I think it's probably my favorite piece of furniture I have made over. I LOVE yours in black too!

  31. What a unique piece of furniture! you did a fabulous job painting it. Enjoy your success in transforming a poor ol piece of trash into a treasure!

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