My Twine’ified Eggs Giveaway

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This week I’m doing a giveaway of one of my favorite creations to date!

[twine eggs 3[3].jpg]

The winner will receive 6 twine’ified  eggs ~ Made by me!

Simple entry this week…

  • Just leave me a comment here telling me what you’re doing this Easter!
  • 1 entry per person
  • Contest will end Thursday at 9 pm (PST).

If you don’t have a blog or your blog isn’t set to receive email, please put your email in the comment so I can track you down.

Good Luck!


  1. Easter?? I've been so worried about turning 40 next month..I haven't even thought about Easter…LOL
    But I think I'll make my hubby hide eggs:) For our 7 month old and his first Easter as a Daddy!

  2. I am going to visit my parents who live on an island. I like those eggs, they would look nice in my house AND my dog won't eat them like he did my fancy Czech easter eggs!

  3. I love your twine eggs and would love to win some, so please put my name in the hat!
    I am not sure what I will be doing for sure. I will probably having Easter with my daughter and family. Her children are little and they love everything right now. They are so cute!

  4. We started a tradition 10 years ago so we will continue that. We go out for some pizza then go see a movie. It is a way for us to spend some time together without the hassle of a big meal.

  5. Pretty simple as my little one is only 17 months old. But we will go to church in the morning and then head over to my parents' house to attempt an egg hunt with my sister's family.

  6. I LOVE these eggs!!! So darling! We will actually be in the middle of moving for Easter..but I'm sure we'll spend time together as a family that day, dye easter eggs and have a tasty meal!

  7. It has been a while since I have been with my extended family…but since my grandfather nearly died twice this year – it will be even better to be with them.
    We just get together, eat,talk and enjoy each other.

  8. We will be dying eggs.. hiding eggs.. eating chocolate.. and discussing "just how sneaky and fast the easter bunny is." hopefully on a nice warm spring day..

  9. My usband & I are going to get baptized together this Easter Sunday and then probly cme home and let our daughters have an eater egg hunt & a family lunch !!

  10. Oh I love these eggs of yours! They're so cute!

    I'll be going to church with my father and his girlfriend this year–I'm currently on the hunt for the right dress! 😉

  11. Yippee!! Can't believe you are giving them away!! 🙂 We will hunt eggs of course. And go to my parents to eat.

  12. The kids will see what the bunny brought them and hunt eggs outside! Then we will head to the Easter brunch at our church and then service. Afterwards, mother-in-law and her um friend ;0) are coming over for dinner and fun!

    I really want to win these eggs as I have tried making my own and they aren't working out for me!

  13. We are going to watch our church's General Conference with my family and then have a big dinner. Also, I'll probably have a very easy Easter egg hunt for my daughter (she's only 16 months so I'm not sure she'll really get it).

  14. every year the kids go on an easter egg hunt here in town.
    for the past 3 years we've had to wear snow pants so I'm hoping that the lack of snow now will not turn into snow before then!
    I've been coveting those eggs from afar! fabulous giveaway!!!

  15. We are having a simple Easter then we will be leaving for Disney Land. I love the twine eggs. My son and I recently made some shredded paper nests and these would look great in one! Thanks for the fun.

  16. Easter will be low key one for us this year. We don't need all the candy we usually get, so I am scaling back. Will the kids hate me?!

  17. Staying home this Easter with family. So excited to NOT be traveling. Planning my son's first Easter Egg hunt. So excited. I love your twine eggs. Eggs look great all year, I think.

  18. I love your cute eggs! Thanks for the giveaway. We are taking it easy with just my husband and I and our little boy for Easter. I'm excited for the Easter egg hunt.

  19. Your eggs are TOO adorable! For Easter this year we will attend morning services, then head over to my sisters for a family lunch and egg hunt for the youngest kids. (our teens usually hide the eggs)!

  20. We will celebrate Easter with a sunrise service at our church and then we will invite some friends over for a nice dinner. We live at the beach so if the weather is nice I know there will be some time spent at the beach too!

  21. Every easter all of our extended family (30+ of us) get together to celebrate my great grandmas birthday. She passed away a few months ago, but we are still getting together to celebrate because it's what she would have wanted!

    [email protected]

  22. We will be celebrating at church, followed by a family dinner at my house with my daughters, sons in law, and grandbabies!

  23. I heart your twine eggs. I've been wanting to make some, but haven't yet. We'll be going down to visit or son and daughter and their families in Southern Utah. Hopefully to warmer weather.

  24. The kids wake up, find all their easter goodies, then we head off to church. Afterwards we have easter festivities at my in-laws' house.
    I love easter =D

  25. We will go to a Sunrise service at church followed by a breakfast with our church family and then another Eater service. (My hubby will be singing) Then we do lunch with his family and an Easter egg hunt with the kids, then dinner with my family. Crazy day, but we are so blessed to have family so close by!

  26. Those eggs are so adorable! I love how they look!

    We aren't doing a whole lot for Easter. We have a few family members coming into town and we will probably go out to eat Saturday night since they will all be leaving on Sunday.

  27. It'll just be hubby and I this Easter as both are families are way out of town. I hope he's not working! We'll probably cook a nice dinner and enjoy one another's company. 🙂

  28. I saw your twine eggs and bought twine. But, I think I bought some that was too thin. So, I didn't do the eggs, but I used it everywhere else, twine around stuff, cut it up and put it as bedding for bunnies. I'm going a little twine crazy.

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