Project Gallery and Blog Makeover

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Happy Monday Friends!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend.  This month my blog has been undergoing a little makeover.  So I thought I’d give you a little tour of my made-over site and some of the new features.

The colors are similar, just a little updated ~ staying with the blues, greens and grays.

Domestically Speaking makeover

#1  Up on the top right corner you can find all the places to find me.  Click on them to follow me via Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Pinterest, through an RSS feed and Hometalk.

#2   On the left sidebar you can sign-up to have all my posts delivered right to your email… super easy!

One project I’m thrilled to finally have finished is my Project Gallery!

Domestically Speaking makeover

#3 You can easily find my Project Gallery by clicking on it up in my Menu Bar on the top right side.  Clicking there you’ll see all my Projects I’ve attached (last 2 years so far).

You can also find each individual Project Gallery on the left sidebar.

Domestically Speaking makeover

#4 I’ve created lots of different categories so you can easily check out all the burlap projects I’ve done, or Recipes or Paint or any of the other Galleries you can find on the sidebar.  It’s a great way to see a snap shot of those projects… Here you can see some of the projects in the Home Décor Gallery.

Domestically Speaking Home Decor Gallery

When you’re in the gallery you can click on the image to be taken right to the post!

#5 I’ve also got cute new buttons!

Domestically Speaking makeover

If you click on the “Buttons” in the menu bar you’ll be taken to get the codes for my new buttons.

Domestically Speaking        Power of Paint Party @        Power of Paint Party Featured Button

Well I hope you guys liked my tour and enjoy my updated site.  I have to give a HUGE shout-out to Kristin over at Yellow Bliss Road.  She created my new header and buttons!  She was a dream to work with, so if you’re looking to get some blogging work done… she’s your lady (and her prices are GREAT too).

Thanks for stopping by friends!


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